Sebastian - Penguin Live Act (Feb 17th, 2019)
"One of the most skilled performers I have ever seen." -Dan Harlan
"A confident performance style and powerful magic" -Kostya Kimlat
"Sebastian is one of Orlando’s best kept secrets" -Ryan Schlutz
"A brilliant thinker with great ideas" -Erik Casey

What will he teach?

Mental Card Act:
Shake Change- Sebastian’s updated handling for a classic sleight which has blown away some of the biggest names in magic.
Thought of Triumph- A triumph routine inspired by Kostya Kimlat and Tyler Wilson. A deck of cards is fairly mixed face up into face down. Three audience members think of playing cards before deciding as a group which selection they will use. The deck is then shown to be fixed aside from the thought of card that was chosen, the other two cards that weren’t selected are no longer in the deck and revealed in the performer’s pocket as a kicker finale.
3 Card Location- Based on an Ed Marlo routine, three cards are cut to and memorized before their respective portions are shuffled. In an increasingly impossible fashion the cards are revealed one by one.
How to Find Your Other Half- Woody Aragon’s now classic card routine; where each spectator is given four random playing cards and makes decisions as the cards are ripped in half, mixed, thrown away at random and traded with their neighbor. Even after all this "chaos" an impossible "hands off" miracle is revealed at the end.
Chronologue- A Bob Cassidy routine that begins with a journal and an envelope being passed out for the audience to hold onto and examine. A date is freely named, GENUINELY FREE CHOICE, and the playing card written on that date is revealed inside the envelope that another spectator has been holding since the beginning!
The Envelope Test- A set of envelopes numbered 1 through 5 are shuffled by an audience member. Four of the envelopes are chosen, leaving the performer with the envelope that has the “prize” inside. The other four envelopes are then revealed to have a secret message hidden inside which brings the show to a climactic finish.


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