Instantaneous Obedience (Pro Pack ) by Docc Hilford
Instantaneous Obedience (Pro Pack ) By Docc Hilford - $249
This is a method of getting your participants to do exactly what you want them to do.

It's now a scientific fact that you can induce obedience without the knowledge of the subject! The mentalism superstars of years past knew how to make someone choose what they wanted, do what they wanted or say what they wanted.

Nobel Prize winner, Benjamin Libet performed experiments that determined that the human brain makes decisions in the subconscious before the conscious mind knows. His experiments proved that free will is nonexistent.

For mentalists Libet’s discovery means there are methods to force a subject’s subconscious mind to make a decision without their conscious mind knowing. They think THEY MADE THE CHOICE FREELY! Libet called this antedating. Remembering the suggestions you made AFTER they choose.

Instantaneous Obedience is a Pro Package of the Wellington Lectureaudio book and the Touch of Nyarlathotep.

The Wellington Lecture teaches you how to induce compliance and the Touch of Nyarlathotep is the perfect vehicle to induce the state of obedience while entertaining the subjects with mentalism.


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